Thursday, 6 June 2013

SoundCloud player for Facebook page: BandPage vs FanRX (BandRX)

I have a Facebook page for my music. I have all my music on SoundCloud and I want people to be able to play my music directly from my Facebook page, so I went looking for a SoundCloud player. As of today, 20130606, it seems as if the official SoundCloud player app for Facebook isn't available because it is being developed/fixed, so SoundCloud recommends 2 different 3rd-party players.

I've tested both BandPage and FanRX and imo BandPage is the clear winner.

* it has all the tracks/albums in one player
* you can set an image at the top of the player, that, when clicked, will send users to a webpage of your choice, e.g. your SoundCloud profile.
* it shows statistics for each track (plays and downloads)
* users can "like" (heart) a track, directly in the player (UPDATE 20130608: BandPage staff told me yesterday that "likes" don't update SoundCloud "hearts", yet)

See my BandPage/SoundCloud player "in action" on Facebook.

To set the tab image you need to click the down arrow at the far right to get into tab edit mode, then mouseover the BandPage tab and choose "Edit Settings", then click "Change" to set the image (it must be 111px wide by 74px tall), and there you can also change the default tab text from "BandPage" to e.g. "My Music":

Here's a SoundCloud tab image you can use:

And here's a SoundCloud image you can use for the BandPage player's header/banner (its dimensions are 800px wide by 500px tall):

For purposes of comparison, here's what the FanRX player looks like on a Facebook page:

Note: If you need a guide to adding your SoundCloud tracks to your BandPage player on Facebook then read "Adding SoundCloud tracks to your BandPage Profile"


  1. Hi! Thank you so much for this article. I was going crazy trying to find the SoundCloud app for my Fb page and now thanks to this I have my tracks ready to go! :)
    Still, I'm having troubles with "set an image at the top of the player, that, when clicked, will send user's to a webpage of your choice, e.g. your SoundCloud profile". I did change image and text on the tab, but I don't know where to change the one on the top of the player from...

  2. Amazing information about facebook. Thanks for sharing....
