Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Useful linux bash commands for audio file editing and manipulation

Here are some useful linux bash commands I use to convert between different audio file types when making my samples.


Extract audio from a flash video file (flv) and save it as a wav:
mplayer video.flv -vc null -vo null -ao pcm:fast:waveheader:file=outfile.wav

Capture a live audio stream from the system output and save it as a flac file:
jack_capture -f flac

Convert a flac file to a high quality mp3 file with a 128kbps bitrate:
flac -cd sample.flac |lame -h – sample.mp3

Convert all flac files in the current directory to high quality mp3 files with a 128kbps bitrate:
for f in *.flac;do flac -cd "$f"|lame -b 192 – "${f%.flac}.mp3";done

Convert a flac file to a wav file:
flac -d sample.flac

Convert all flac files in the current directory to wav files:
flac -d *

Convert a flac file to an ogg vorbis audio file:
oggenc sample.flac -o sample.ogg

Convert all wav files in the current directory to ogg:
for w in *.wav;do oggenc "$w" -o "${w%.wav}.ogg";done

Convert a wav file to an mp3 with 192 bitrate:
lame -b 192 sample.wav

Reversing the audio playback of a file and saving it as a new file:
sox input.flac output.flac reverse

Trim an audio file, starting e.g. at 0 and stopping at 6.85714 seconds:
sox input.wav output.wav trim 0 6.85714

Batch trim all flac files in a folder, starting e.g. at 0 and stopping at 3.47826087 seconds:
for f in *.flac;do sox "$f" "${f%.flac}_.flac" trim 0 3.47826087;done

Remove the first 0.047 seconds of an audio file:
sox input.wav output.wav trim 0.047

Combine (concatenate) all flac files in the current directory into one file:
sox --combine concatenate $(ls|grep .flac) out.flac

Add the LADSPA canyon delay effect to a whole folder of flac files in batch mode:
for f in *.flac;do ecasound -i:"$f" -o:"${f%.flac}_.flac" -el:canyon_delay,0.439,-0.14,0.439,0.5,2735.45288;done

Batch fix loop files that click at the end, by adding a fadeout effect to the very end of the file:
for w in *.wav;do sox "$w" "${w%.wav}_.wav" fade 0 $(soxi -D $w) 0.00045;done

List numbered loops files generated from "" from 0.wav...N.wav (used as in parameter for the command "Combine (concatenate) all flac files in the current directory into one file"):
ls -tr

Extract xml metadata from lmms mmpz file (e.g. to get the track measure labels you set):
lmms -d my-lmms-project.mmpz > dump.xml


Convert flash flv video to mp4:
ffmpeg -i input.flv output.mp4

On a related noted, here are my photo tutorials about music production.

1 comment:

  1. Hello and good day to you can I convert flac to Lpcm wav for audio DVD ( not DVD-A ) eg. sox *.flac −t wavpcm −s *.wav ???? I would like to encode to Lpcm 96 kHz x 24 bits x 2 channels = 4608 kb/s DVD Video specs audio only. I use Ubuntu 14.04 linux
